Sales & Marketing Consulting
- Re-Designing distribution networks
- Defining or optimizing product range and service offerings
- Developing new distribution channels and levers
- Conquering new markets/market research/competitor analysis
- Integrating CSR into the distribution policy
- Multi-channel distribution strategy
- Offer strategy and business plan design, products and services innovation, Value-to-Serve
- Distributive model: markets and customer segmentation, resources, network and catchment area optimization
- B2C, B2B, B2B2C channels optimization
Supporting Growth
- Improving business efficiency
- Mobilizing the sales force and maximizing talents
- Transforming established models
- Rethinking and optimizing local networks
- Lean distribution (process, organization, management system, business cycles)
- Agency and point of sale concept development and optimization by combining global impact reduction and economic performance
- Management mentoring: management experience
- Distribution innovation: conducting experiments and pilots to test new concepts
- Response formulation: to customers, markets and regulators in terms of CSR
Offering sustainable, ethical and responsible distribution models
- Delivering seamless and remarkable multi-channel journeys
- Driving customer satisfaction
- Generating customer loyalty
- Recognition and referrals
- Relationship model and customer communication strategies
- Cross-channel customer journey improvement plans: fluidity, simplicity, disruption, traceability
- Collaborative mindset and ethical consulting
- Customer co-construction schemes: listening, panels, workshops
Magnifying Customer Experience
- Driving performance and reaching sales goals
- Setting up a business and market animation that boosts sales
- (Re)launching Dynamic of Conquest
- Positioning in new territories and markets
- Commercial action planning and approach
- Dashboards and category cockpit designs
- Business operations and sales challenges
- Category management of sales or by service lines
Boosting Margin Performance and Market Share
- Knowing your customers (in the CRM sense)
- Increasing customer knowledge to maximize and accelerate development
- Using data for the benefit of event and touchpoints management
- Exploiting and enhancing your data (sales/customer)
- Consistency and enrichment of customer data
- Data Analytics on models (often using A.I.)
- Customer insight
- Centralization of the multichannel customer vision
Using data for educated ops
Consulting Approach
In the context of permanent transformation of customer expectations and behaviors, with an increasingly unpredictable environment, the agility of the distribution model is a sustainability issue. KEPLER provides end-user and employee-oriented consulting expertise to meet the development objectives of its customers with pragmatic and proven solutions.
- Expert consultants in distribution models who operate in different sectors: specialized distribution, banking-insurance, industry
- A dynamic network of specialized partners to meet specific technical or distinct challenges
- Over 100 years of combined experience make it possible to target solutions adapted to the client
- A cross-sector culture that allows everyone’s best experiences to be shared
- A personalized approach to the objectives and customized for the client makes it possible to stand out from the competition
- The search for new solutions that capitalizes on the achievements to bring results
- Consultants capable of both designing models with management but also of going into the field to diagnose or support changes
- An iterative approach allows you to form convictions: test & learn, MVP (Minimum Viable Product), pilots, etc.
- Proposed solutions compatible with the teams’ maturity and the skills in place. Supported by structured with change management
- Solutions “that work” and not only “have your eyes shine.”
- Setting objectives at the launch of the mission to guide the activity
- Managing the results and the trajectory of improvement, particularly in the weeks following the implementation of new models
Our Fundamentals in Sales and Marketing Consulting
Definition of distribution models
Sales and business continuity depend on the efficiency of the distribution model. Consequently, it is strategic to transform, improve, and reinvent the distribution model to serve customers better, create competitive differentiation, exploit new opportunities, and contribute to growth.
Support for targeted optimization actions and analysis of opportunities
Responding quickly without destabilizing internal operations is an essential issue for the Sales and Marketing Departments. Targeted support responds to this matter by setting up an internal task force. KEPLER provides experts with precise and targeted objectives with an ambitious time to market.
Management of distributive projects in “turnkey” co-piloting
You can rely on 100 years of combined experience to challenge your distribution model and provide you with solutions adapted to your market, customers, and territory. In alignment with the strategy desired by your leadership, our priority will be to seek the levers with the most significant value to market solutions that will quickly bring you results. The questioning of the distribution model is rarely managed in a driven process of continuous improvement but in “stop & go” mode. Our experts will accompany you at all stages of the project (diagnosis, solutions, selection, construction, marketing, change management, result measurement, etc.) in a role adapted to your organization and the availability of your teams in a spirit of maximizing added value and transforming the experience.
Lean Distribution
A Lean project aims to eliminate waste in all distribution circuits while constantly listening to customer expectations. Our “boosted” approach capitalizes on the firm’s complementary expertise – procurement, supply chain, innovation, and operations – KEPLER offers a “seamless” journeys improve the client experience with relationship excellence programs that target the most time-consuming subjects or causes of customer dissatisfaction.
Human support for transformations of distributive models
The result of a distributive model transformation will come from the quality of the implementation, the alignment with Sales and the support teams, the animation of the local managers, and the fluidity of operation of the entire Sales Department / Marketing Department. KEPLER experts have developed specific know-how to build and animate onboarding systems, management support, field observations, and KPI measures to secure the path of change and the achievement of results.
Sales & Marketing News
In support of all our Sales and Marketing consulting approaches
Sales and Marketing Consulting by KEPLER
KEPLER is a consulting firm focusing on Sales, and Marketing functions. A key player in the world of Marketing and Sales consulting, KEPLER supports organizations in reinventing their distribution model, managing distribution projects, optimizing business processes, applying Lean-Distribution tactics and human support for transformations. KEPLER’s Sales and Marketing consulting approach is recognized as one of the most effective in the industry. The Sales and Marketing Excellence consulting firm KEPLER has offices in the United States (USA), Europe, China, and India.
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