Change Management
& People
Ignoring the need for expert change management is one of the most common hinderances to transformation and achievement of full project ROI. Armed with this understanding, KEPLER provides complete communications, training, behavior change and organizational design services to underpin each workstream to ensure top-down adaptation.
KEPLER's Approach of Change
The Implementation of Change Comes up Against Many Obstacles to be Lifted:
- Fears: work overload, productivity, not getting there …
- A strong inertia: memory of previous failures, an “already optimized system”, other projects deemed to be of higher priority …
- A difficult questioning: changes in business lines, digital, organizations, uncertain profits, etc.
- A little mobilized middle management: delicate position, loss of room for maneuver, imposed system …
To Support the Changes, 4 Conditions Must be Met:
- “I understand this is progress”
- “I know what I’ll have to do”
- “I will have the means to make it happen”
- “I will be recognized for that”
Among the Objectives Pursued by the KEPLER Change Plan:
- Make you want to change:
- Promote ownership of the project by involving stakeholders
- Optimize the management of the project by creating support for the process
- Provide the means to change:
- During the project: training, coaching, deployment kit
- In the post-project phase: feedback, continuous improvement
- Make change
Our Approach to Change Management is Based on Consultation Between the Various Project Partners:
- Understand the expectations, fears, brakes, drivers of each partner
- Guarantee membership by promoting active participation in the construction of new benchmarks to be deployed
A Method Based on 4 Pillars
Change Plan (s)
Position each actor according to their level of synergy or antagonism with the project on a map of partners and define the targeted change plan:
- Convince negotiators and liabilities
- Identify potential carriers
- Do not waste time with opponents and diehards
Describe the actions to be implemented with the project partners:
- Brakes and drivers or risks and opportunities for each partner
- Depending on the levers of change identified (communication, training, presentation of good practices on site, etc.)
Communication Plan (s)
- Unite around the objectives and challenges of the project
- Encourage the support and mobilization of stakeholders
- Promote the project, the project team, successes and good practices
- Establish a detailed communication plan with supports according to the target population, the level of knowledge to be reached and the means implemented
- Build and animate the various media: plenary sessions, webinar, seminars, newsletter …
Training plan (s)
- Define the strategy and build the training plan
- Identify operational expectations
- Evaluate existing skills and the gap with target skills
- Define the training strategy: support, planning, level to be reached, means implemented.
- Define the scope: number of actors to be trained, number of trainers required, qualifications required.
- Validate consistency with the communication plan in order to avoid possible repetitions and to ensure continuity in the rise in skills of target actors.
- Build training materials
Deployment plan (s)
Define the deployment strategy with the key players who will ensure the sustainability of the transformation plan
- Segment the models / methods / tools to be deployed
- Define the deployment mode: pilot phase, POC, by wave, in parallel on all sites …
Propose a flexible deployment strategy
- Depending on the deviations from the target, the size of the units / sites, local specificities, resistance to change, availability of resources, etc.
Detail the deployment plan
- Define the deployment schedule in phase: rate of deployment, milestones
- Clarify the actions expected to be carried out by the project team before, during and after deployment
- Organize actions to start up and increase skills
- Lift the prerequisites
- Organize feedback on deployment
- Monitor the progress of the deployment work by setting up indicators and updating them
Define the process for updating the deployment plan
Other Transversal Skills at KEPLER
Learn more about Change Management Skills
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