Helping Companies Make the Transition to Sustainability
A Natural Evolution for KEPLER
Since its creation, KEPLER has been supporting its customers at the very heart of their businesses, thanks to its expertise in all operations. As a result, sustainability issues are of paramount importance for all our employees, regardless of the subject at hand. Extending and reinforcing our expertise in environmental, social and ethical issues for each business line is therefore a logical and coherent approach. This approach is one of the firm’s strategic development priorities, with the aim of delivering ever greater “responsible value” to our customers.
Our CSR Convictions
A responsible company can no longer simply focus on its operational performance without giving priority to the risks and opportunities associated with the necessary ecological transition.
Investors are no longer simply looking for short-term efficiency – they look at a company’s ability to transform itself by addressing environmental and social challenges.
KEPLER, a sustainable transition consultancy, supports its customers by systematically embedding sustainability parameters into all its engagements. To achieve this, KEPLER draws on its business expertise, covering all the operational components of the company.
In addition, KEPLER has developed specific expertise in sustainable transition. Our target: “Project a new, more resilient business model, taking into account the company’s ability to evolve and new market expectations”.
“Thanks to its end-to-end vision, KEPLER has developed a TSI (Total Sustainability Impact) approach. This approach enables a company to embark on a path of sustainable performance by systematically examining all the dimensions of its operating model, from design to the delivery of its products or services to its customers, with the aim of controlling and reducing its externalities.”
The KEPLER Approach
KEPLER deploys its approach around two modules:
- Sustainable performance diagnosis: current-state and maturity level analysis by business line
- Sustainable transition plan
The objective is to initiate a sustainable transformation along 5 axes:
- Better meet new customer expectations, innovate and differentiate from competitors
- Prevent risks and develop resilience
- Develop attractiveness and create a positive dynamic for employees (corporate project)
- Strengthen the sustainability of the company’s economic model (sustainable business)
- Anticipate growing investor demands (ESG) and future regulatory obligations (CSRD)
“The term ‘sustainable performance’ is a thing of the past. Today, when a company talks about performance, it only talks about sustainability. It focuses on the impact that its activities (design, production, distribution, services) have on its environment, on how to reduce this impact even further, and on the sustainability of its operating model and business in connection with its ability to control this impact.”Bernard Ouriou, Partner
The key questions we cover:

*TSI: Total Sustainability Impact
Our Value Proposition
Identifying the CSR levers of end-to-end operational performance
Co-building an action plan based on our expertise: Innovation, Procurement, Supply Chain, Operations, Sales & Marketing, People, Carbon footprint…
Supporting the implementation of a transition plan and CSR corporate project with all stakeholders
Sustainable Transition: end-to-end know-how
All operational components are involved in the sustainable transition and must combine to build the best balance between impact reduction and performance of the operating model.
KEPLER, a consulting firm in sustainable transition, combines a series of business aware approaches with a cross functional vision of the transition to be achieved.
Our business processes:
Innovating sustainably through:
- Setting up R&D sustainable transition roadmaps
- Monitoring R&D sustainable transition programs
- Gap analysis with eco-design best practices
- Implementing end-to-end eco-design programs
- Managing breakthrough sustainable innovation projects operationally
Supporting the company’s CSR strategy through:
- Implementing responsible procurement programs: Sustainable Sourcing Starter Program (S3P)
- Supplier panel review plans integrating environmental assessment
- Scope 3 emission s control plans
- Plans to secure the sustainability of upstream supply chains
- Implementing the TCO+ approach with bonus/penalty and CO2 emissions in the re design of products
Limiting total impact through:
- Performance diagnosis and implementation of a Lean Supply Chain
- Implementing a logistics master plan limiting load breaks and the overall environmental impact
- Implementing a differentiated supply chain minimizing the impact of the last mile
- Implementing innovative solutions integrating and optimizing the environmental impact of return flows
- Implementing a Control Tower tracing and monitoring supplier and distribution flows
- A Supply Chain Value Proposition incorporating CSR issues in a Design to Deliver approach
Enhancing sustainable productivity through:
- The implementation of a CSR performance road map for Operations
- Green Lean manufacturing, Green 6 sigma
- Optimizing industrial cost price, emissions and CAPEX
- Implementing the ROIE (Return on Investment & Environment) evaluation model
- Efficiency and CSR maintenance plans (preventive/predictive/curative)
- Implementing a digital 4.0 road map and deploying Smart Solutions
Reconciling global impact reduction, distribution, and customer satisfaction, through:
- Carrying out a CSR performance diagnosis on the Sales & Marketing scope ( distribution networks, points of sale
- Choosing a product and service offer reconciling global impact, economic performance and customer expectations
- Optimizing sales networks and sales support materials to reduce the carbon footprint
- Optimizing the CSR impact at points of sale
- A responsible, ethical, transparent sales posture that complies with regulatory requirements
Achieving the human potential of the company, through:
- Employee journey: experience and well-being of the employee throughout their life in the company
- Workspace transformation
- Conducting a social diagnosis
- Social Performance Training: work-life quality, integration, recruitment diversity
"KEPLER s CSR competence is by its very nature transvers e to all our engagements with our customers. We are committed to deploying solutions that are economic ally , ecological ly and social ly sustainable . This triptych is inseparable if organizations are to make a success of the sustainable transition they must undertake.Fabien Lepère, Director