Optimizing the Warehouse Dedicated to the Storage of Dry Groceries for a Retail Brand
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Our client, a retail brand, wants to optimize the warehouse dedicated to the storage of dry groceries without investing in CAPEX. KEPLER offers a Lean approach to optimize the layout of the warehouse and thus the flows and capacity.
- A 23,500 m2 warehouse comprising excise duty areas with 30 people + 4 supervisors, 15,000 storage spaces
- 6.5 million packages prepared yearround and storage on 5 floors with saturated picking locations
- An old industrial building with many poles and a slab in poor condition preventing any elevated / mezzanine picking
- Very unstable productivity, from 135 to 225 parcels per hour, and structural use of temporary labor (~25% of the workforce)
Category: Improving Responsiveness and Securing Availability
- Reviewing the central warehouse layout and operations
- Enhancing productivity and warehouse capacity
We worked in collaboration with the stores to test improvements on pallet preparations. The goal was to improve the warehouse productivity without degrading the service provided to the stores. The levers validated in the workshop have been tested through preparations and pilot stores, before being deployed across the entire grocery store universe.Lysiane Bessonnet, Director